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Get all the information you need for buying the latest ford wheelchair vans for sale . We have countless handicap van listings in colorado . Even if you are just researching for colorado ford conversion vans then we have all the information and handicap van classifieds you need to make an informed choice.
2011 FORD E 350 Wheelchair FULL SIZE VAN For Sale
2011 Ford E-350 commercial wheelchair accessible van. Great
condition. Approx. 200k miles.
- v8
- Auto
- 199,000 miles
2007 FORD Executive Trans LE Conversion Extended Van Wheelchair FULL SIZE VAN For Sale
*Luxury Executive Trans LE Extended Wheelchair
Conversion Van* seats 8 + wheelchair! This is a Limousine
Style W/ All The Bells & Whistles & ONLY 31K miles! Jet
Black w/ dark privacy windows. Must See
- E-250 5.4 V-8
- Auto
- 31,000 miles
2007 FORD Tuscany Exec-Trans LE Conversion Extended Van Wheelchair FULL SIZE VAN For Sale
JET BLACK/TINTED WINDOWS Raised Roof, Raised Doors, Automatic Doors, Automatic Braun Vangater Tri Fold lift, low low low miles 30K, LUXURY TRANSPORTATION VAN Leather/27"LCD/GPS/BLUETOOTH/IPOD/CD/DVD/
- E-250 5.4 V-8
- Auto
- 30,295 miles